Why is it that human relationships are such a jumble? Is it that there's just some humongous obstacle between each of us? I have to say, my set of relationships haven't been that bad, at least when I've been lucky enough to find rational people to have relationships/friendships with. Why can't people just follow that golden rule?
Do unto others, as you'd have them do unto you.
That pretty well sums up the entire scope of a perfect utopian existence. Why's it so hard to follow that simple rule? Why can't everyone simply just stop and say, 'Wait a minute, if I act this way then I'm giving this person to act that way towards me.' It seems like such a simple act, like a logical progression to relating to anyone else on this planet. Yet, every day we are faced with the same set of bullshit from the other people in our lives where this simple axiom isn't follwed.
Sure, each of us, likely don't follow the rule to the letter either. But, we know we should. Or do we?
Would it be such a trial to live our daily lives in reciprocation for the kindnesses which were enacted upon us, as well as the evils? After all, the inverse of the axiom is true.
You are free to do unto others, as they have done unto you.
It has to be, the original rule, while the spirit of it likely communicates to us that we should be just and kind to others still grants the opposite within it.
I guess, if you take the golden rule and the laws of karmic retribution together as a belief system, then you're likely to do okay in this world.
Do unto others, as they do unto you, but beware. Your actions will come back to you tenfold.
Said another way, If you make an ass out of your neighbor, it's likely you'll be the one eating hay for the rest of your life.