Friday, November 04, 2011

Any way you want it, that's the way you need it.

We've been trapped in the mid-1980's for the last 20 years, have you noticed?

When's the last time you turned on a "Classic" rock station and haven't heard some ridiculous ballad from that time-period? Yes, Steve Perry you insidious little twat, I'm looking at you and Journey right about now. Why have you endured, and why do you continue to assault the airwaves with your caterwauling and petulant balladry?

Well, I guess you're not going to tell me so I'm going to have to just go my own separate way and take these chains that bind me.  I think that you're still around because you're serving a purpose. You're keeping the rest of our Budweiser swilling, wrestling digesting,  infomercial culture enslaved to an idyllic little time in this odd little American History where stereotypes have thrived, the drug culture was pariah, and the aristocracy wiped it's ass with gold leaf toilet paper.

Yes, Sherry, It's true, you're motoring to a new age of  observation. You are stuck in an Orwellian time-slip of monumental proportions. Those sweet dreams where someone is watching you are all true from the pill you've dissolved on your tongue.

I think that we're entering a period in the history of this American experiment where we are being confronted with the problems of this system of religious freedoms. America has finally reached the hodgepodge of what the rest of the world really is, and those same Pilgrims which initially hit Plymouth Rock don't like what it's turned into. There's a ruling class that seems to be embracing that Puritanical mindset from the pre-cannibal colonies of early America. Instead, today we are eating ourselves slowly, digesting parts that we want but can't have with bitter pills, delusions of our self-grandiosity, and our utter return to feudalism more surreptitiously damaging than that of the Dark Ages.

We've allowed ourselves to be enslaved to ideals, concepts, brands, and chemicals, instead of what works for humankind, our own artifice is consuming us. It is a new age of cannibalism.

It's no wonder that films depicting zombies , the end of days, and anti-heroes are so topically popular. All of those escapes are what we fear and secretly hope for. We're exposed to rampant corruption daily by our media outlets who point to the failures of our long extant political and economic ideals, our entertainments leave us empty and devoid of true contact, our foods are poisoned, and our chosen leaders collude to cloud their motives for our control.

This is the system we deserve for our complacency.

All of our perceived, or prescribed history has lead us to this moment in time. Each of us has been fed a story through our shared timelines and we arrive at this moment today on our little blue orb. Governments across this planet are in shambles, economies are faltering, and there is a general dissatisfaction with the status quo regardless of race, social strata, religion, or creed.

If the current situation with the Occupy movement has accomplished anything, it has been to expose those in power who have motives for maintaining the stereotypical system of control which has been in motion for the last 30 years at least. 

This Earth has endured assaults from space, dinosaur defecation, and the pollution of plastics from pole to pole. It's doubtful that this current epoch of human history will be the last, or is even the first, but unless we chose our next steps wisely we are likely doomed to diminish as the prevalent life-form on this piece of rock until we rise through the centuries to a new era in our simian history.

Daily you're fed a storyline of want and need. You need this product to do that. You want that product to do this. There's some void in your existence that will be filled if you just would invest in this little box that lets you escape into a fantasy. You've allowed yourself to be deluded with space, time, paint that will cover your bald spot or make you look younger, or perhaps it was a knife that will cut through the fabric of reality itself because the edge is Japanese steel and never dulls when you are cutting through the nails in your 87% recycled fiber sheet rock. Everything has a cost, and you'll wind up paying for those things at least twice over what their actual value is all for the satisfaction of someone far removed from your daily existence.

You're too complicated. Get over yourself. Simplify your life and pay some attention to what you're doing to this tiny little piece of dirt in this transient part of the galaxy.

Who knows how much longer you can hang on before you're bitch-slapped by the Creator back into the Pre-Cambrian?

Now, how the hell did I get from JOURNEY to this?

I'm not exactly certain. But, it goes something like this.

Take those chains that bind you, Sherry and stop fighting that feeling because it is the year 2525 and man does love a woman. but sweet dreams are made of this and that is a reflex when all you want is your kiss.

I've often wondered why the music of the 80s has endured on radio for so long. It wasn't until I began to study advertising and marketing that I really started to form a concrete answer. The music of that era was purely human and fit into a stereotypical mold that could be used to shape our collective reality.

If you don't want to accept that, think of JC Penny and their corruption of Mr. Blue Sky by ELO, or Ritz Crackers and how they've chosen to bastardize the classic Modern English song "Melt with You" to sell you  buttery bleached-flour crackers.

This is not a new phenomenon.

Since the dawn of advertising, and capitalism, a clandestine group of mankind has been shaping your perceptions, shaving away your inhibitions, encasing your vulnerabilities in a thin sheen of desire so that you will conform to their worldview.
So, step in line there. Whip out that credit card at 19.99% interest with a 331/3% annual percentage rate and pay up. It's time to cover that tab and leave the bar, because there's an intoxicated world out there for you to get out in and sober up.