Just start writing, eventually someone will read it. Maybe the right person will read it, the audience of your communication. Perhaps, it's someone far away that you're in love with. Maybe, by chance she'll see and understand that all those moments stolen actually were building a bond that trancended distances and time. Perhaps, that person feels those same feelings and perhaps they're thinking the same things at the moment you're writing your rant.
I wish I were somewhere in a calm place, near...dear. Breathe, inhale slowly, and taste the moment. Across the gulf, your wild hair hanging about in rivulets, those dark pools lose me within. These moments, stolen as they are leave more fulfillment and lasting joy. We ride those winds and wild waves, across the rift of wires and the electronic chasm, the tremors of life, swimming in the sea, staring into the sands and shorelines....floating in the fields high above the treelines. I laugh with you in silence, as the sun casts a glimmer upon the depths of darkened pools, and then memories..
I awoke, and thought for a moment.
But, it was just a dream.
Still, the night travels remained through the waking day.