Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Wake Up From This

How do we know which are the right answers to our questions? What are the crossroads when each of our descisions are myriad? I've had so many things swirlling around me for so long, I just don't know what the right answer is for me anymore. Life, in all it's splendor is pretty damned confusing at times. I guess it's really up to each of us to determine which is our best path. That's the only answer that I've really been able to come up with for myself. I've picked and chosen which are my best paths, what course of action is the best for me to pursure, and which choice will lead to better choices. I've shirked the dead ends which are presented, worried incessantly about the possibilities, and become overly concerned about the future of current descisions. But, it's really all good. I mean, I'm still alive, I still have the memories I've managed to salvage from the last large life change which I endured, and I'm not neck deep in toxic sludge like a million of our neighbors.
Again, let me take a few minutes to contemplate the scope of what's happened in New Orleans. I went to New Orleans once. I went there alone and had an unfavorable experience. It's a tough city, the people are rude as hell. It's not a family environment, at least for outsiders or tourists. But, the people there have a reputation for warmth and joy. Who knows, perhaps it was me. But, there is a smell when you went to the city. It's a smell of piss. A smell of desperation.
Aside from any personal feelings that any of us have about the city and it's aura. It's horrific that the people of New Orleans would be cast into the mold which they've been given. Uprooted from their homes and cast out into America. The open arms of their fellow citizens waiting for them with offers of comfort and future. Yet, there's a great sadness which follows them, which will follow them always. They've lost their homes, their belongings, every last scrap of what they've experienced. Every Tangible Scrap.
The people of New Orleans, no longer have the first movie stub they collected when they had their first kiss at the movie theatre. They don't have the photos of their children when they lost their first tooth. They don't have anything which we take for granted every day when we wake up in our comfortable dry beds each morning.
Just take a moment to consider, losing everything. Everything which you own personally, everything that you have in your bedroom or your house, all of the useless bits of flotsam and jetsam which you've held onto for all your years. All of it suddenly and permanently GONE.
Perhaps all of us should take away a lesson here. It's not a new lesson, it's something which has been said time and time again. Live simply, so that others may simply live. We've all got a wealth of junk in our lives which we don't need. Some homes have 3 televisions, how many times a day do you watch each of those three televisions? A lot of us have clothes that we don't wear, are you ever going to wear them? Many of us receive gifts which we'll never use and we hold on to them, why?

I guess it's time that each of us should wake up and do something for our fellow man. Our government has left us to our own devices in this country. We're no longer a nation 'by the governed'. This nation is run as a business. We are the employees of USA, Inc. The board of directors meet in their boardroom and we hear the minutes of the meeting, but our input is relagated to a suggestion box which has little effect on the outcome. It's well past time that we take back this country and our rights as citizens.

No longer does the rest of the world look at us and see beauty, now the rest of the world looks at us and they see sadness they see an enslaved mass, servants to tyrants in red, white, and blue.

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