Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Peter Principal

Does anyone else think that we are reaching our level of incompetence as stated in the "Peter Principal" as a society? Our media organizations leap to sensational and unproven facts for their reports, creating hysteria in the population by passing along unfounded and shady details without full revelations. The governments of the world are being led by figures no more qualified to flip a hamburger, and still in possession of teenage 'I'm infallible' pride. The commoner on the streets doesn't seem to even really put a stake in the world around them, much like a teenager. Are we as a society at the stage where we should be, or are we beginning to collapse under the enormous wealth of knowledge that we've gained in the last 100 years?
I'm a watcher of world and national events. I try to figure out where I fit into those things, and where me and those I care about are going to be as a result of things happening in the world. I've got to say, I'm really not feeling good about the state of the world at this point in history. There seems to be some major changes on the horizon for humanity on this little blue planet, and they don't seem to be good changes.
Take the US Government for instance, there's a showdown between the three branches of government occurring right now. It's a remarkable thing to see the government in action, but it sheds more light upon the incompetence of the person which was 'allegedly' elected by the masses. Two branches of government want a designated time of withdrawal from a conflict which one branch of government seems to want to continue indefinitely. Our George W. Bush wants to continue pouring money and the blood of soldiers into a conflict which was exacerbated by his cowboy tactics and still chooses not to relent when presented with logic. Should the citizenry of the U.S. sit idly by while he ursurps the delicate balance between the three branches of U.S. Government created by the founding fathers a short 200 years ago? My money is on, yes they will. People in the country are so complacent and unwilling to speak out for fear of reprisals. The patriotism of the ordinary American is impotent, there's undercurrents of disgust, but no real call to action which could accomplish the goals of good governance and regaining the reputation which America had in the world nearly 8 years ago now. This President has done more governing by fear than any other President within my 34 year lifetime, and that is in my mind incompetent. This President has overstepped his station in so many ways throughout his time in office, while it might not seem to be incompetent, it's certainly not following the guidelines of his office. Think about all of the 700+ signing statements which he has attached to bills which he has signed, more than any other president in American history.

Ok, I've ranted enough about the government.

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