Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Living with chaos theory.

I'm just making it up as I go along. Isn't that what most of are doing on this tiny blue planet today? We make those connections which later might be hurtful, helpful, or they simply fade away. It's all about cultivation for longevity with friendships, or any other of the connections we make. Whether those connections are business or personal.

The choices we sometimes make, as we are making things up are the mortar and pestle which grind us up into new creatures. The trials by fire, recombinations, and general discombobulations that don't make sense. The random thoughts like this one about the trout and upstream swimming.

What's the point of all of it? If we're just making this stuff up. Are we handed a script, or do we write our own lines. Even the few of us who do plan out their lives, are usually dismayed when they discover that their plans have been revised.

Maybe life is the embodiment of chaos theory. Those few quiet moments we find to ourselves, the tiny windows of order.

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