Friday, October 14, 2011

Does brain taste like chicken?

Well, I've finally determined that chicken in the crockpot just isn't for me. However, through my catastrophic realization, I have discovered an amazing thing that I am finding rather tasty at the moment. The twice cooked crockpot bake method for chicken.  Yes, I just made that up.

During last weeks excursion to the meat section, I happened upon a package of chicken thighs that were on sale for $2.89. I thought to myself, I can eat on that for days. I will toss it into the crock pot along with some vegetables and whatever else is laying around in the kitchen that will fit into this puzzle. Then, I'll just freeze whatever is left, and eat it when I want. And, that is what I did.

Although, I found that the soggy crock pot chicken wasn't desirable at all. In fact, the chickenfat imbued chicken that was just about to slide off it's luscious little bones, wasn't at all tasty. Instead, it made me feel a bit nauseous after I had a piece of it. Go figure, it's chicken with baked in chickenfat that has no place to go except into the chicken over and over and over again until it is the the most moist disaster you've ever tried to stab with a fork.

I have been re-cooking the crock pot chicken,  until the skin is crispy again. Now, it has the texture and taste of fried chicken. Which is likely going to kill me after the next bite since it is wallowing off of the bone. Yes, I make myself laugh sometimes with dumb things that I say. Why not?

So, I've managed to turn 10 chicken thighs for $2.89 into 5 meals through just random resourcefulness and trial and error. But, trust me there have been some enormous failures. For instance, don't ever so long as you are drawing breath ever think for a moment that banana will mix well with hamburger. It doesn't. Okay, maybe the dehydrated chips could, no that's just silly. I won't try that ever again, it was terrible.

Anyway. Real things I suppose that are going on beyond these kitchen explorations in thrift cooking..

I'm about 18,000 words into a story. The strange thing is that I'm keeping with it. The whole writing process is about one part mystical and 99 parts routine. I know I'm not alone when I say that things just pop into my head. That's everyone. We've all got a spark of inspiration within us. But not all of us are going to take the time to sit down every day and put that spark into a series of coherent  paragraphs. Especially, since some of us don't have enough fingers, or have spikes through our foreheads, the language center is damaged, or you simply don't care to bother because you think it will be too dull, or your paragraphs won't be complete, or you can't spell. But, the truth is, that with a little practice and routine, you can get that inspiration down onto paper.

Maybe it's not a story. Maybe it's a sonnet, a song, or some free verse. Whatever it is, it resides in all of us. Maybe some more than others, but it's there in everyone.

That was a tangent and a half, now back to this chicken. I accidentally went a minute over the time that I arbitrarily decided to cook it for. I don't a kitchen timer, and I get distracted. Screw you, it's my kitchen. But, had I not   cooked it that extra minute, it would have been the single most amazing piece or fried chicken ever to have been fried on this Earth or any Earth in all of the realities.

That single piece of chicken thigh would have been a fixed point in time for all of you other Doctor Who fans out there. As I am devouring it, I'm destryong to time-space contiuum. Sorry, but it has to be done.

In closing, Value is key in this point in history. But, creativity is King. If at this time you are not resourceful, can't think on your feet, are failing to make some kind of plan, or are failing to load up the shotguns, then you are doomed to become a brain-eating zombie.

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