Thursday, November 10, 2011

The warm up.

The warm up.

I've been working on some writing projects lately, and yes I've been using this format to get my fingers to cooperate and my mind to quiet down a bit so I can concentrate on this annoying habit that I've developed over these years. This drive to create things! What! Why are you naysaying, just sit in your tower already.
So, yeah...there it is I've admitted to you that I have some literary aspirations beyond just giving you the mundane rundown of my bowel movements, or the fluffy bunny slippers that I saw at Target, or whatever dish I might have eaten at some random restaurant. I want to sell something that I've written so maybe I can afford to upgrade the rattletrap aging automobile that I'm using to  lug my girth to work.
Maybe I'll succeed, maybe I won't. If I don't, I've only myself to blame. The main obstacles to that success are all around me and they are prevalent for us all today, this very vehicle that you're observing my madness through, it is one of the chief distractions in this modern era since it contains multitudious distractions, video, audio, chatter, shopping, gossip, sloth, sins, sex, and all of the numerosity that goes along with the human condition today.

Yeah, I made up that word, 'numerosity'. So what...I can do that, so can you try it sometime.\


 I didn't actually make up the word 'numerosity'. I can't speak for everyone, but for years I used to write in a journal every night before bed. I fell out of that habit. Geez, I need to get back to that. But, what I was about to say before I so rudely interrupted myself was that I tend to dredge up some words that have languished in the depths of my vocabulary vault unexpectedly at times and have to stop to consider if they're actual words or not. That might sound weird, maybe.

Sure, I could just edit the above post to obfuscate my gregarious use of an existing word and then claim it as an original creation of my own, but instead I will elucidate at length for the sheer audacity of annoying you, the gentle reader.

Anyhoo....just wanted to clear that up before you're off telling people that you know the guy who came up with the word 'numerosity'. I'm not going to define it for you. Get a dictionary, or try this go to Google search and paste this in there "define:numerosity" and you'll get yourself defined there for your wordporn pleasure.

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