Thursday, December 01, 2011

Samuel Adams Salt n' Vinegar Garlic Ginger Chicken

One of my hobbies, pet projects, or past times making up dishes from whatever is in the kitchen. This has been becoming something I've come to enjoy more and more lately. Dammit, another creative outlet.
Anyway, here's.......Tonight's chicken experiment.

6 oz. chicken breast coated with salt and vinegar potato chips, with  Samuel Adams Boston Lager, garlic, ginger marinade.

Yes, it's yet another kitchen exploration this evening. Here's the proposed recipe.
1 6oz. Chicken breast
1/4  cup of Samuel Adams Boston Lager
3 cloves garlic diced up
1/4 teaspoon each
salt, ginger, black pepper

Dice up that garlic and thaw out the chicken breast.
(I usually buy a big tray of them and put them into the freezer in single portions for whenever I want them,  usually the last me about three weeks, maybe more if there are other meats in the freezer. I just wrap them up in foil, they usually keep pretty well and the foil can be used to cover the marinade dish, hint)
Sprinkle all of that ginger, salt, and black pepper onto the chicken breast and throw it in a bowl.
Take all your diced up garlic, then sprinkle it onto the chicken breast.
Next, pour that beer over the chicken and let it set for a while in the fridge until you're ready to cook it, maybe two hours or so from when you've put it in the fridge, just so all of that spice gets absorbed into the chicken.

When it's finally stinking like a vampire's worst nightmare, pull out those Salt n' Vinegar potato chips, crunch them up and coat the chicken.

Pop it into a hot skillet, fry it up, and I'll have to wait to tell whether or not you should enjoy it or not. Since I haven't tried the finished product yet.
It might be another in my long list of failures, but it can't possibly be as bad as the bananna burger.
I tend to think it will taste pretty good. I can imagine what the flavor might be.

I'll be adding in some veggies, maybe brussels sprouts, some white northern beans, or a sweet potato, haven't decided that yet.

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