Thursday, November 03, 2016

Updates, diatribes, and ramblings.

I suddenly notice it's been quite sometime since I've updated this. Well, I guess I've been distracted by EVERYTHING. The globe is heating up, the countries are warring, the presidents are electing, and everything is generally falling into disarray. How can anyone find time to do anything with all of the incessant noises of noisy noising? Bells dinging, buzzers buzzing, and alerts alerting all of the time every day it's a wonder that we even find the time to take a breath. Yet, we persevere in this crumbling infrastructure of a structured society where our dimes are snatched up by the greedy and the greedy aren't eager to spend those dimes on improving the lives of any of us.

Anyhow, I will give you a little rundown. I was working in the payday loan industry for nearly a decade.  I can't say that I recommend anyone entering that field, and anyone who works in that industry should seriously consider other work soon. As the regulators are regulating it into the abyss, so much so that those that profit from it won't make much for too much longer. Face it, the Big Banks don't like these little guys sucking up any of those dollars, so you payday lenders are on the chopping block. It's really been a good thing for me to get shaken out of my little comfort zone and have to seek other work. And, I've really wound up in a significantly better place than I was when I was still employed.

Other missives, when I got fired. I applied for unemployment. Well, I finally got that check for unemployment, after three months. I was out of work for 2 months, I applied for around 100 or more different jobs in that time period. I documented all of those jobs for the unemployment agency. Admittedly, I was lucky. After working in my previous job for nearly a decade, I wound up with a bit of a severance package. So, I didn't so much need the unemployment when I was applying for it, but I was looking forward to the time when I needed it. I have obligations and expenses like most all of you, and some of them have dire consequences if they're not met. So, the question I've been asking myself, as a taxpayer, how can my State expect that I would be able to meet my expenses after losing my job through no fault of my own and make it on vapors for three months? You can't. There's no conceivable way that if you lose your job and don't have some kind of net to catch you, you're going to wind up on the streets. And that is what is happening all over this country to ordinary people like you and me, shit happens, and the social safety net is not there to catch you and you wind up in poverty through no fault of your own. What's happened to this great nation? We need to take it back, but unfortunately...we're not going to get the chance this election. So, we're going to have to make our own luck on an individual basis, plan for our own futures, and bury our savings in a jar in the yard beside those cans of beans.

 These are dire times, and we've got to look out for ourselves.

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