There are visions I have of places from time to time. Natural places which for reasons unknown I've recorded in my mind. Just flashes which I visit in my mind sometimes. I'm not sure why they are there, or even if I've actually been to them, it may be a side road I've driven down or a trail I've hiked, a ditch I've seen as I've sped along the highway, or a hillside that my mind's eye has imprinted into memory. I find them calming, peaceful, and serene, though I when I have these moments of recall I also have an uncertainty about these places. Did I see them as a child? Or are they places that I've yet to see? Perhaps they are just memories of places which I've been. You see, I lost some of my memory from childhood as a result of choking. I went into a period of unconsciousness for about a week. I was on the precipice of needing to relearn the basic functioning such as walking and the alphabet, and much of what we take for granted as rudimentary existence. So, I'm left to wonder sometimes if these places which I recall are from childhood memories which are stored deep within my memories, locked in some box, which hold a key to some part of my soul.
I think that within each of us, we are all trying to solve a part of a puzzle. We are the parts of a cosmic equation which the Creator has placed a part of this puzzle within. Who knows...perhaps these moments of bliss which I visit in my memory are my own parts of the cosmic puzzle for which I'm working out the solutions. Perhaps they are past memory, or perhaps they are future memory. My own ephemera of the mental landscape, the flashes which I have which mean something to me for only a moment of passing, will....until the next time remain relagated to the depths of my consciousness.
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