Sunday, July 10, 2005

Patience and Contemplation

Time is made from honey, slow and sweet. And, only the fools know what it means...

We're a very impatient lot, on the whole. The human animal, always rushing from point A to point B, never allowing a modicum of time for quiet contemplation. Well, most people at least. But, I've found that patience and contemplation, yield their own rewards.

Patience in friendships, leads to life long friends who you'll be able to depend upon.

Contemplation, gives you an inner strength to cope with all of the tribulation to which life subjects the spirt.

Now, both of these are intertwined. It takes a lot of patience to contemplate anything, most problems in living don't have simple clear cut answers at which we can arrive at simply by filling a box with a lead pencil. Much of the splendor of living is making the errors and learning from those errors, seeing where our failings were, growing, and moving along to the next crisis, similar to a constant state of rebirth.....

"each passing moment, is another opportunity to turn it all around."

With patience and contemplation, we can find our places in the world, reach our truest potentials, and evolve our selves beyond our immaturity of living to gain wisdoms for our future error.

We should have patience with ourselves, and even moreso with our fellows while on this Earth. I feel that if we seek patient contemplation of our own life, than we should more easily find it in others and for others.

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