Friday, October 02, 2009

Cubicle Neighbors

I'm in a box. There are annoying people surrounding me. There are annoying people calling me.

I need a sledgehammer and a handgun.

This is bullshit.

I doubt that mankind was ever meant to sit still in a freaking box all day.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

We're Doomed, I tell ya....doomed.

Having worked in IT long enough to realize that it sucks balls, I've evolved a couple of realizations about the whole of humanity as it currently stands. We are a bunch of lazy-asses. Why think for yourself when there's a handy toll-free number that you can call up and pose the dumbest questions that 5 seconds of logical thought on your own could give you the answers you're seeking.
But no, it's not the case...we're lazy. I'll just call this number, and let someone else do my thinking for me!

What a great concept!

Eventually, our society is going to be splintered into two groups. The intelligent people who can think for themselves, and then the hordes of lackadaisical slack-jaws with the barrage of helplessness.

I'm sure that this phenomena has pervaded almost ever strata of our society. So thusly, we're doomed.